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Saturday Class First Three Weeks


PTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher works as a team with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members.

Description: Senior art education majors of ISU host annual Saturday art classes for the community over the course of five weeks. For the first three weeks, two classmates and I co-developed and co-taught a unit plan for fourth grade students. The central focus of this unit plan is environmentalism and reusing materials as a means to create art. 


On the first day, students activated prior knowledge on "reduce, reuse, and recycle" through observing an educational video. Through discussion, students expressed their knowledge and the impact of waste to ocean life. We then introduced two artists,  Vik Muniz and Geo Rutherford. Muniz collects found materials to create large scale portraits. Rutherford collects items off of the shores of The Great Lakes and creates still life prints. The students were suggested to bring in found materials for next class to create sea creature sculptures. But, Prior to this portion of the project, the students first created ocean scenery out of clay. By hand-building students created sea shells, seaweed, coral, etc. by utilizing stencils and slip and score techniques. The next class consisted of introducing artist, Angela Haseltine Pozzi, who collects waste and creates life sized or even bigger animal sculptures. To begin, students glazed their fired clay sculptures. Students then worked on a project handout that had them fill-in-blanks allowing them to think about which materials they thought best to utilize for their sea creatures head, body, legs, etc. Students then began sculpting using items like paper plates, cartons, aluminum, plastic bags, etc, as a means to repurpose such materials. For our final day, we introduced artist, Tan Zi Xi, and her large scale installation Plastic Ocean that features more than 20,000 collected plastic waste. The students engaged in discussion elaborating on how this installation impacted them. We then worked together to create a cohesive and collaborative installation in the classroom featuring both their clay and reused material sculptures. The students were each able to elaborate on their project, speaking on their experience, emotions, and process of creating. Students were successful in connecting their work back to the artists and central focus.  

Rationale: Through this lesson, students activated background knowledge on the importance of reduce, reuse, recycle and engaged in conversation allowing them to elaborate on the impact of wasted material to ocean life. The purpose of this lesson was to create art through repurposing materials as well as coming together to create a collective art piece that can send a powerful message to an audience. 


4th Grade Classroom Setup


IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive.
7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.


Description: The classroom was modified to host eight fourth grade students. Each having desk space to work on their projects. Towards the wall, we placed all materials that students would need in order to dismiss them by table to collect any items needed. Here we also had a hot glue gun station where a teacher stayed to help as the students came up to utilize the hot glue. The sinks located in the back of the classroom held the cleaning station when students worked with clay. 

Rationale: The purpose of the classroom setup was to create a smooth flowing system to cater to each student. Having designated areas allowed for each student to utilize just what they needed and knowing where to find it. 


Saturday Class Second Two Weeks


PTS Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge - The competent teacher has in-depth understanding of content area knowledge that includes central concepts, methods of inquiry, structures of the disciplines, and content area literacy. The teachers creates meaningful learning experiences for each student based upon interactions among content area and pedagogical knowledge, and evidence-based practice.

IPTS Standard 8- Collaborative Relationships - The competent teacher builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development. This teacher works as a team with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members.

Description: For the last two weeks of Saturday art classes my partners and I co-developed and co-taught an empowerment art unit to two seventh grade students. Each week we had one student, this allowed for more one-on-one interactions and a calm atmosphere. The lesson began by introducing three artists, Hebru Brantley, Cece Bell, and Neysa Bove. Brantley creates black superheroes bringing light to underrepresented identities in superhero culture. Bell created "El Deafo" a superhero who represents not only herself but those who are hearing impaired. Bove worked on costume design for the movie Encanto, bringing importance to the significance of the characters' costume, power, and identity. We began to think about ourselves in the eyes of superheroes embracing out identities and powers. Both students filled out planning worksheets and began thinking about their character's power and image. 

Rationale: The purpose of this unit plan was to have students think about representation, empowerment, and design within themselves as a means to promote confidence and empowered individuals. 



7th Grade Classroom Setup


IPTS Standard 4 - Learning Environment - The competent teacher structures a safe and healthy learning environment that facilitates cultural and linguistic responsiveness, emotional well-being, self-efficacy, positive social interaction, mutual respect, active engagement, academic risk-taking, self-motivation, and personal goal setting. This includes a virtual environment and any learning aids used within a Google Drive.
7D: understands how to organize the instructional environment to maximize students’ learning.


Description: The classroom was modified to host two seventh grade students. Each having desk space to work on their projects. Towards the center of the class, we placed all materials that students would need, this included artist handouts, construction paper, markers, scissors, etc . 

Rationale: The purpose of the classroom setup was to display all materials the students would need in order to successfully create their artwork. 


Pal 1

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: I attended ISU's Design Streak Exhibition at University Galleries along with an alumni panel. Featuring a diverse lineup of panelists coming from California, Iowa and Chicago who were in Design Streak 1981 (when it first started) to most recent 2022.

Rationale: This was a great opportunity to hear from alumni who started off at ISU and now are working in the graphic design field in various forms. Some work for themselves and others for companies. I then got to walk around the exhibition and see the work of current Design Streak students. 












Description: I visited the drawing art exhibition at Julian Hall with classmates. We were able to see the various artworks of current students ranging from animation, to portraits, to abstract art. 


Rationale: It is great to see the artwork of fellow art students that are not in ones same major. It is awesome to see the artwork that is being produced in studio classes throughout the semester. 




Pal 2

IPTS Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy - The competent teacher is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession.


Description: The NAEA student chapter hosted ISU's annual poster sale on the quad. Over the course of the first weeks back to school, the poster sale operates on the quad from morning to evening.

Rationale: I was able to help out various times by restocking and answering costumer questions. Maintaining the sale in an organized manner was the overall task. 











Description: I attended and presented along with others at IAEA's 74th annual conference in St. Charles


Rationale: Our presentation featured six-unit lesson taught to secondary school students in Central Illinois. I was able to present on my clinical experience at Bloomington High school in a digital art classroom.  




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